arizona law

Family Law Blog

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4500 S. Lakeshore Dr. Tempe, AZ 85282

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(480) 542-0099

When is Alimony Awarded in an Arizona Divorce?

When is Alimony Awarded in an Arizona Divorce?

If you are preparing to go through a divorce in Arizona, you probably have lots of questions about alimony: Do all divorces lead to alimony? If not, when is alimony awarded? How much will I (or my spouse) have to pay, and how long will the payments continue? In this...

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High Net Worth Divorce In Arizona

High Net Worth Divorce In Arizona

No two divorce cases are exactly the same, but commonalities almost always exist. Some common challenges in divorce cases are spousal support, property division, and child custody. Networth Divorces presents their own issues that are not commonly found in most divorce...

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Staying Away From Social Media During Your Divorce

Staying Away From Social Media During Your Divorce

In an era of technology, social media has taken center stage in many of our lives, with over 45% of the world population using a social network. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even YouTube have changed how we socialize, communicate, do business, date, and divorce....

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Legal Separation or Divorce: Which Is Right For You?

Deciding whether a legal separation is right for you and your situation can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t quite know the difference between a legal separation and divorce. Each has pros and cons but there’s more to it than just the facts, both can be an...

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How A Little Civility Can Save You A Lot Of Money

How A Little Civility Can Save You A Lot Of Money

One of the things I love about family law is that people going through a divorce are often prepped and ready to fight. Believe me, I’m a fighter. A trial or evidentiary hearing is my favorite part of this career. That being said, it is not always necessary to go...

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Arizona Property Division Insights

Arizona Property Division Insights

Ending a marriage is an unfortunate circumstance that comes with many emotions and complexities. To add to an already stressful question that arises, “What do we do with all of our stuff”? “what happens to my retirement accounts, bank accounts, investments, my...

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Featured Testimonial

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My name is Alex, and before hiring Adam Weingart I was representing myself in court. My son was removed from Arizona by his mother and she would not return him or allow me to see him. After fighting for my rights for months I learned the hard way that in family law a man representing himself is a losing battle. I contacted Adam very late in my case, about 6 weeks before I had a trial. He responded within hours and we set a meeting within days. His professionalism and work ethic gave me the confidence I needed to continue my fight. To make a long story short, I won my case and even came out of the situation with more than I asked for. I no without Adam Weingart being by my side I would have lost everything I was fighting for. I could never thank Adam enough for what he has done for me.”





*Free consultations pertain to simple divorce and child custody matters only. Attorneys reserve the right to determine what facts or cases constitute a simple action. Free consultations do not include specific legal advice, but rather, go over broad legal concepts.

$150 - consultations, including an initial document review and limited legal advice based on the information presented.